Defining a school’s philosophy can be less difficult when a particular method is practiced. Montessori, Waldorf, and Reggio Emilia schools follow a prescribed approach based on principles set forth by their founders.
The definition of traditional varies greatly, but may be associated with teachers at the front of the classroom dispensing information to students. In a traditional setting, students are expected to learn the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic and demonstrate their understanding through written tests and oral recitation.
At the other end of the spectrum is progressive education. Progressive schools value the social and emotional development of a child as much as the academic success of its students. Learning is achieved through active interdisciplinary experiences which encourages children to ask questions, think critically and to formulate answers. The curriculum is based on broad themes with lessons planned in accord with student interest.
Located on the end closer to progressive, on the continuum of educational philosophies and constructs, is Andrews Academy. On a tour of the school, one may see groups of students working in collaboration to solve a problem or produce a presentation while the teacher circulates around the room asking questions and listening to the conversations taking place. In the next room, students may be gathered in a small group with the teacher while others work on independent tasks around the room. You may hear a Socratic discussion or listen to a group of students making plans to solve a real-world problem. It would not be unusual to see a teacher standing in the front of the room, but the lesson would soon be turned over to the students with the guidance of the teacher on the periphery. Lessons can be observed taking place within the building or on the campus outside.
At Andrews Academy, our dedicated faculty and staff do not adhere to one particular method for educating our students. Our eclectic curriculum is current, innovative, rigorous and unique to our school. We remain educated about pedagogy and techniques. Our teachers and administration celebrate successes of one another and happily share best practices through in-house professional development.
Andrews Academy students demonstrate joy in learning. They develop perseverance and true understanding through thoughtfully planned engaging experiences that require critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and hard work to achieve a successful outcome. We help children to understand the benefit of working cooperatively and productively, to develop an interest in deep learning and understanding, and to respect the opinions and ideas of others. You know your children love coming to school here and we know it’s due to the deep love of learning they enjoy when they walk through our doors.