While emphasizing the basic academic skills Andrews Academy maintains a broad range of specialized programs in the disciplines of art, computer science, library, music, Spanish, Physical education, and performing arts. The inclusion of specialty classes allows children to develop a well-rounded interest and see their how limitless their potential can be.
Academic Enrichment
Our Academic Enrichment Specialist works in partnership with our faculty and administration as we strive to meet the academic needs of every student. Academic Enrichment offers students academic extension or support during the school day for the purpose of helping each student achieve his greatest potential. It is our experience that some children gain a more in-depth understanding of certain concepts through small group or one-to-one instruction. Enrollment is limited to children with specific academic diagnoses and/or a recommendation by the classroom teacher. Students meet with our Academic Enrichment Specialist during the school day at times deemed most appropriate by the classroom teacher. There is an additional fee for Academic Enrichment.
The Andrews Academy Art program offers hands-on work using a variety of materials. Students work with many different types of material such as clay, watercolor, paint, drawing, chalk, and oil pastels. Andrews introduces a “famous artists” to every grade level where students study and replicate the famous artwork. Students experience many different types of art during the year i.e., 2-D, 3-D, sculpture, relief, collage, texture, portraits, etc. Students at various grade levels visit the St. Louis Art Museum to visualize and experience artwork first hand.
Computer Science
The Andrews Academy Technology Program provides curriculum centered activities designed to assist students in becoming effective users of technology. Students begin learning the basics of computer skills and advance into learning keyboarding, online skills, software applications, and presentation software. Students benefit from having the use of desktop computers, SMARTboards in every classroom, and a learning lab where they can reach their full potential and become successful learners of technology.
The Andrews Academy library program is designed to instill the love of reading in each and every student through a gradual process. This process begins in Junior Kindergarten with story telling through sixth grade learning online databases and completing research papers. Student begin learning through listening and viewing and advance into learning literature appreciation, fiction and nonfiction, electronic catalogs, Dewey Decimal System, award winning literature, and research for reports. Our library is fully equipped with computers, a SMARTboard, and over 10,000 books and videos.
The Andrews Academy music program covers many areas of music with an emphasis on basic skills and choral singing. Beginning in junior kindergarten students are taught to sing independently on pitch. Students in grades 4-6 sing in a school choir that practices weekly and performs monthly. All students have multiple opportunities each year to perform musically before an audience. Students participate in beat and rhythm activities including reading rhythms and playing Orff and other rhythmic instruments. A major composer is studied school wide each year as well as the instruments in the classical symphony orchestra. To prepare for their annual field trips to Powell Symphony Hall Grades SK-5 study additional classical composers and music. Creativity is encouraged and culminates with grade 6 composition projects. Multi-cultural studies include six presentations a year on specific cultures from around the world. Recorders are introduced in third grade and beginning in fourth grade students may opt to participate in an after-school band. Instruction on string instruments and piano are also offered before and/or after school.
Science Laboratory
The Andrews Academy Science Lab supports active, hands-on, and in depth learning through lab exercises, creative projects, readings, problem solving, and writing assignments. Students in first through sixth grade visit the Science Lab and explore numerous areas of science. Rocks, space, weather, plants and animals, forces, motion, and magnetism are just some of the subjects that students experience. The Science Lab curriculum builds on itself – each year student have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of subjects they may have learned about before. By sixth grade, the students have covered a large amount of information in the physical, Earth, and life sciences. Curiosity, creativity, discovery, and enthusiasm are cultivated and encouraged!
The Andrews Academy Spanish Program provides students an opportunity to explore another language while participating in a variety of activities. Classes are conducted almost entirely in Spanish and often incorporate movement, music, and children’s literature. All students, Kindergarten through Sixth Grade, participate in communicative activities designed to initiate meaningful and relevant language production. Students are given opportunities to discover Spanish through listening comprehension, written, and oral practice. Furthermore, the study of Spanish-speaking countries helps students make connections to other cultures. Many of the concepts and skills from the general grade level curricula are integrated throughout the Spanish curriculum. The Spanish classroom is a comfortable environment in which students feel at ease meeting the challenges of learning another language.
Physical Education
The Physical Education program at Andrews Academy teaches students how to become active and healthy individuals throughout their lifetime. Students have daily P.E. starting in Kindergarten. The lower school Physical Education program (K-2) focuses on developing basic locomotor skills (walking, running, skipping, etc.), object manipulation (kicking, throwing, hitting), and fleeing and dodging skills through tag games. The upper school program (3-6) focuses on basic skill development for a variety of lifetime activities, such as soccer, floor hockey, team handball, volleyball, and track and field. The upper school students also participate in the Presidential Fitness Challenge and Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart each year.