Forming caring and capable leaders at Andrews Academy is evident at every grade level. Students of all ages are assigned leadership responsibilities. Leadership skills are developed through daily activities, individual presentations, group projects, assembly presentations, and sports. It is through these leadership opportunities that our students become confident academic and peer coaches. Developing quality leaders leads to success.
Leadership Development Opportunities through Andrews Academy’s Signature Initiatives
Leadership Development Opportunities through Andrews Academy’s Signature Initiatives
Developing leaders for the future is one of the most valuable and distinguishing characteristics of an Andrews Academy education. Our focus extends well beyond the classroom, as we provide our students with opportunities to learn, practice and exercise leadership skills, certain to make them competitive for entry to St. Louis’ most selective secondary schools. More importantly, however, these opportunities prepare our young people to achieve success in life.
The Ambassadors Club Initiative (ACI)
The ACI taps into our school’s deep-rooted culture of respect, as a means to stimulate and expand our students’ concern for the welfare of others. Students are inducted to the Ambassadors Club in the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade. Induction involves a Red Jacket ceremony, in which every student is recognized and celebrated as an Ambassador or emergent leader in our school. Of course, with leadership comes responsibility; participation in the ACI is no exception. Our Ambassadors proudly rise to expectation, serving as greeters to welcome visitors to the school, as hosts for school invitational events, and as role models and mentors for their younger peers throughout the remainder of their time at Andrews Academy.
In addition, we nurture these emergent leaders through weekly ACI leadership classes dedicated to the examination and critical analysis of character and virtue in leadership. These constructs are appraised and assessed in relation to competing personal and social/civic responsibilities and to their fundamental relevance and application in the “real world”. In this way, the ACI supports our young leaders as they strive to mature responsibly into adulthood.